Lalas Stand-Up Recliner Light Grey Fabric (NEA-07)

$497.00 $898.00

Brand New in Stock Ready to Ship


All Products, Living Room

Details and Dimensions

Electric Recliner Chair with lift motor for help getting up from chair.

#49070 Recliner Chair w/Lift
Height: 37" Seat |
43" Back
Width: 31"

Depth: 35" Closed |
62" Open


Finish: Grey Fabric

*Sofa and Loveseat Sold Separately. Picture just for reference.

Tarifas de Entrega

Precios aplican en entregas a toda la Isla,
con excepción de Vieques y Culebra.

Subtotal de la orden Costo de Entrega
$1 - $500 $79
$501 - $999 $99
$1,000 - $1,500 $119
$1,501 - $2,100 $149
$2,101 - $4,999 $229
$5,000 - $9,999 $299
$10,000 en adelante $399
*Tarifas aplican en entregas realizadas a partir del 30 de junio de 2022.